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Touching the Void // video

Touching the Void Behind the Scenes Sneak Peek // Making the Adventure Feel Real

Touching the Void // video

Touching the Void Behind the Scenes Sneak Peek // Staging the Impossible

Petrichor // interview with the directors

Directors Jonnie Riordan and Jess Williams discuss creating Theatre In Virtual Reality...
Petrichor reviews

“Deftly delivered by the creative team. Proof that you don’t need to be in a theatre to be in a theatre.”
The Stage

★★★★ “Enveloping and wholly engaging, the performance takes place around the audience.” Upstaged Manchester

★★★★ “ThickSkin’s intense, flickering two-hander about automatons in a totalitarian regime makes gripping, immersive VR viewing.” The Guardian

“A captivating piece of escapism”
A Younger Theatre

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