
Fri 21 Sep to Sat 13 Oct 2007


1854, a time of dizzying change

Liverpool’s streets are teeming with merchants and new arrivals from all corners of the globe. Every day as the walls of St. George’s Hall grow higher above the city skyline, in the bowels of the city the poor of the cellar slums drink away their fears. It’s never their time and they know their place. But Millie has other ideas. She’s seen the light at the end of the tunnel and she’s taking her fiery family with her.


Cast Brid Brennan, Brendan Conroy, Matthew Dunphy, Kristofer Gummerus & Emily Taaffe

Writer Lizzie Nunnery

Director Gemma Bodinetz

Designer Ruari Murchison

Composer Conor Linehan

Lighting Designer Paul Keoghan

Sound Designer Fergus O'Hare



"Lizzie Nunnery has written a play filled with a depth and poignancy"
"The play is necessarily dark, yet illuminated by some sparkling dialogue"

The Stage


"There is much to recommend this piece of theatre that demands you pause for breath, particularly at a time of such rapid change"



"The Everyman's new writing programme has unearthed a talent worth celebrating - I can only urge you to get thee to a Nunnery"

Alfred Hickling, The Guardian