Mark Thomas Lockdown Live: Best Before #4

Sun 25 Apr 2021


The Last of the Mark Thomas Lockdown Lives!

Hi everyone, Throughout this year the team and I have managed to livestream at least once a month for a year, previous shows, new shows and the Best Before series of clips from the Mark Thomas Comedy Product show. April sees the last broadcast in the series: it is the Vintage Cuts from MTCP series 4,5 and 6. And it seems a fitting way to finish, chasing arms dealers as normal, going after Nestle and Adidas, managing to get inside Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment and invading the Millennium Dome, all peppered with politicians and CEOs.

The show celebrates stand up, stunts, stories and mayhem and even gets a few results. One of the good things about lockdown has been hooking up with my old series producer Geoff Atkinson who presents Best Before with me. We have essentially turned into anarchist versions of Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show. Introducing clips, explaining the background to the stories and maliciously gossiping about the government.

Thank you for all of you who have come along and joined us.

Onwards to vaccines and victory. SALUT XXX


In this year I have performed anywhere I can online, comedy clubs like the Stand in Scotland, with my mates Josie Long and Johnny and the Baptists, I have even appeared at Hackney Unison’s Annual General Meeting.

There have been benefits for PSC, IMET2000 and now a monthly show Mood Music to raise funds for The Trussell Trust and The Samaritans, as well as running the download benefit with Go Faster Stripe for The Trussell Trust which managed to get nearly £27,000.

I managed a grand total of 7 live gigs.

Wrote 1 new show called Ouch! and 1 new book called 50 Things About Us published by September Publishing. Broadcast 2 podcasts: Things About Us and Mark Thomas’s Lockdown Check Up (commissioned by the Wellcome Collection and now part of their permanent archive).

Written for Tortoise magazine and The London Economic.

Am working on a new podcast about key workers.

And I sell merchandise on my site…anything to get by.

And spent 5 months of the first lockdown living with and caring for my 85 year old mum.

It has been a year… it has for all of us.

Thanks to Bex, Catherine, Chris, Ed, Ed, Emilie, Greg, Hannah, Hilary, Jeff, Mark, Ruth, Susan, Tine, Tony and my mum for getting me through it.


Tickets are £5 and if you use the link below 20% of sales go to the Everyman & Playhouse.