Finger Food Shorts 2022

Fri 11 Mar to Sat 12 Mar 2022



Finger Food Shorts is an evening of new short plays. A tantalising, eclectic mix of genres and exciting voices.

Following in the footsteps of Slung Low Shorts (Leeds) and JB Shorts (Manchester), comes an evening of theatre and entertainment exclusive to Liverpool.

Seven Northern writers (emerging or already established in their own fields) will be putting pen to paper for our debut performances in 2022.

A TV writer at the top of her game. A journalist & prolific blogger. A spoken word artist. A singer/songwriter. A writer of children's fiction. A playwright.

For this, its first year, Finger Food Shorts will explore the theme of ‘secrets’ through a diverse collection of monologues, and promises to deliver an unforgettable evening.


Produced and Directed by Soulla Tantouri Eriksen

Writers Marjorie H Morgan, Lisa Holdsworth, Saphena Aziz, Alison Down, Joe Taylor, Gary Bainbridge, Pegeen Murphy

Actors Shannon Power, Faye Caddick, Saphena Aziz, Anita Pandolfo, Jake Hagan, Pegeen Murphy, Winston Branche