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The Little Prince family workshop

Rent for £2 for a 48hr streaming period

Entertain the little ones at home with Protein’s fun and fast-moving workshop inspired by their award-winning show The Little Prince!

While we help our children learn from home, this creative workshop is a great addition to the school day and an enjoyable way to keep kids active in body and mind.

Join performers Faith and Andy as they lead and present twenty minutes of dance and movement exploring the world of the Little Prince. Grown-ups are welcome too as it’s fun for all ages!

Find out how the Little Prince spends his days on his tiny planet and how, after journeying across the universe, he eventually meets and befriends the charming Fox.

The Little Prince Workshop from Protein Dance on Vimeo.

This is a playful introduction to the world-famous book, The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a tale of love and friendship for children and grown-ups alike which will return to theatres later this year.

After the workshop, download the original costume designs from the show and colour in the Little Prince and the Fox either with pencils or digitally on your tablet or phone.

Running time: 20 minutes
Age Guidance: The workshop has been made with ages 5-11 in mind but has nothing unsuitable for younger siblings. Fun for the whole family.
Cost: Rent for £2 and available to stream for 48 hours


based on Luca Silvestrini’s The Little Prince

Commissioned by Norden Farm in collaboration with The Place.

Directed by Luca Silvestrini
Led and presented by Dance Artists Andrew Gardiner and Faith Prendergast
Filmed and edited by Alice Underwood
Produced by Caron Loudy
Music composed by Frank Moon
Design by Yann Seabra
Artwork by Snow Creative
Additional footage by Roswitha Chesher
Photos by Jane Hobson and Chris Nash

Protein Team
Artistic Director Luca Silvestrini
Executive Director Franck Bordese
Creative Producer Caron Loudy
Project Coordinator Michael Johnson
Administrator Emma Baker-Griffin

Thank you to Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and Studio Wayne McGregor for providing studio space.