Mark Thomas Check Up

Fri 12 Apr to Sat 13 Apr 2019



Our NHS @70

Mark Thomas is 54, the NHS is 70, UK national average life expectancy is 84. If Mark makes it to 84 the NHS will be 100, what will they both look like? Based on a series of interviews with leading experts in and on the NHS and residencies in hospitals and surgeries, Thomas working with director Nicolas Kent uses his own demise to explore the state we’re in. What's going right, what’s going wrong and how does it get better?

Winner of an Edinburgh Fringe First Award 2018

Supported by the Wellcome Trust


Directed by Nicolas Kent


Mark Thomas Check Up

“Impassioned mixture of reportage and storytelling”

Mark Thomas Check Up

“Impassioned and informative look at where the NHS is at right now”

Mark Thomas Check Up

“Infectious wit and political fury”

Reviews // Mark Thomas: Check Up

“Infectious wit and political fury”
The Guardian

“Impassioned mixture of reportage and storytelling”
The Stage

“Impassioned and informative look at where the NHS is at right now”
Time Out

“As always, Thomas is driven by a fire in his belly. But he doesn’t let his passion obscure reality”

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