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Summer at the Playhouse

Playhouse Auditorium

The Playhouse is taking an extended break until October to carry out some essential repairs both internally and externally. This includes some critical works backstage and external repairs and a fresh coat of paint, to bring out the beauty of this historic building.

2016 was the 150th birthday of the Playhouse (formerly The Star Music Hall) and some of its backstage equipment that we believe dates from 1896 is showing signs of wear and tear. Most notably the safety curtain, which is a large and elderly piece of equipment. We will be replacing what we believe to be original 1896 pulleys and refurbishing the winch and associated equipment, which were installed in the late 1960s. We will also be installing a new fire resistant cloth.

Playhouse by Collete Rawlinson

Externally, the façade is in need of cleaning and repairs to its render, cornices and stone features, and a complete coat of fresh paint.

We will also be repairing the windows, and upgrading the auditorium and foyer doors, to make the theatre more draught- and soundproof.

The Playhouse is a listed building (Grade II*) so all repairs are being meticulously carried out under the watchful eyes of a conservation engineer, the local conservation officer and in negotiation with English Heritage/Historic England and the building’s owners, Liverpool City Council (LCC) who are supporting the works with a £550,000 investment which will be off-set over time against the trust’s LCC grant.

“We are very grateful to Liverpool City Council for supporting these essential repairs, including this much-needed facelift. By October, the Playhouse’s historic beauty will be revealed again, and she’ll be ready to come alive with a vibrant new season of plays. These works are just the first step towards our long-term plan for full rejuvenation of the Playhouse and towards realising a shared vision for the wider regeneration of this important part of the city centre.”  Deborah Aydon, Executive Director

By the end of all these works, the Playhouse will be looking fantastic again, lighting up Williamson Square, and offering a much better welcome.