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Bren Hutchinson


Bren is a Growth and Financial strategist who helps businesses in developing and aligning strategy, transforming control environments, procuring lasting change and securing funding. After spending 11 years with PwC, Bren has spent the last 20+ years working with entrepreneurial businesses and charities, transforming profits and cash flows and influencing key decision makers.

Bren founded BH Associates in 2016 where she uses her broad range of business skills and her passion for value creation to support businesses and charities in:
- the development and delivery of strategy
- the design and implementation of change
- becoming funder or investor ready

Bren champions equity of opportunity and joined the board of Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse because of their work in helping disadvantaged young people in Liverpool City Region to improve their life chances and reach their potential through theatre. She is also an advocate for diversity in leadership, co-founding Liverpool’s Women in Leadership to mentor pan-professional women to speak up and step into leadership.